What Information Do I Need to Have?
When you call, you will be asked a series of questions about your worksite. Being prepared greatly speeds up the process! Please have this information ready:
*Bold text indicates required information. Even though not all the information is required, it is all helpful!
- Your name, phone number, company name (if applicable), and mailing address.
- The name and phone number of an alternate contact person, in case the utilities have questions and cannot reach you.
- What type of work is being done.
- Who the work is being done for.
- The county and city the work is taking place in.
- The address or the street where the work is taking place.
- The nearest cross street or road. (We don’t care if the nearest intersection is 10 miles away. We can still use it)
- The distance and direction of the worksite from the intersection. (If no address is provided, cross street, distance, and direction are required)
- Marking instructions, (specific instructions as to where the work is taking place. Please use white or pink paint or white or pink flags to outline the area you are digging in.)
- Township, range, section, and quarter section of the worksite. (click here for link to county maps with township, range and section information)
- GPS Coordinate of the center point of the digging area.
These questions are asked so that the customer service representative can determine which utility companies should be notified of your excavation plans, and which should not. This process makes sure that all the utilities at your worksite are located, and the underground facility owners who do not have lines in your general area are not needlessly notified.